27) Views of the Exterior - December '17
Clapboarding continued through late December despite the frigid temperatures. Here are some views from the east, south and west...
26) Woodchips & a Norwich Bifacial Tracker - December '17
The new woodchip pile exceeded all expectations. The chart below shows the amazing results after three weeks. On November 24th, the 50...
25) Well Capping and a Minor Disaster - December '17
On December 7th, the well drillers returned install the geothermal loop and to 'cap' the well. 700 feet of two inch pipe is pushed down...
24) Deep Wells, Green Roof & a New Woodchip Pile - November '17
Geothermal: What? Wells? Yep, the plan changed, it turns out that we just couldn't do the vertical coil field for the earth heating...
23) Roofing, Windows, Bridge & Time - November '17
Construction moved along quickly in November, the crew worked late into the evening to finish shingling the roof: The onsite lift made...
22) The Crew and the Solaflect Pad- October '17
Jason Higgins, lead builder. If he's not hard at work, he's probably down on Martha's Vineyard chilling out at Lucy Vincent Beach in...
21) Walls & the Earth Tube- September '17
September saw the raising of walls and panelling. The lift was used to position the north wall. Though it's August, you can see how cool...
20) Framing & Plan Changes- August '17
In August the crew began framing. Special trusses were used to support the four inches of concrete that will become the floor of the main...
19) Foundation, ICFs & Radiant - July'17
Time to build the walls. Here's a close-up of the innovative ICFs, or Insulated Concrete Foundation forms. Concrete is poured inside the...
18) Demolition, Firemen & Footings - June '17
In April I was contacted by the Woodstock Fire Chief, he had learned that we were planning on demolishing the old cottage (one of the...